Don't complain about Catholic Church's pedophilia
On the most solemn day in the Roman Catholic calendar, a senior Vatican priest ignited a fresh chapter Friday in the debate over the priest abuse scandal by comparing criticism of the Church and Pope...
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dave and juratei respect both of your choices to be persons of faith, absolutely ......and i don't doubt for a moment that you both sympathize with those whom the church has hurti was baptized and...
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muttanjeff, I am not a "person of faith". I was raised Catholic but do not now subscribe to any religion. There are many in the church who have devoted their lives to the futile effort to change the...
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I agree with you muttanjeff that the Vatican is "beyond the pale". Ever since Pope John XXIII the Popes have grown worse and worse. The Vatican is riddled with politics too, and it has gone steadily...
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Papa's faith is people.Mama she believes in cleaning.--- Joni Mitchell
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1) i agree that the church doesn't seem to want to really change and that it will very likely simply shrink and become one faith among many instead of first among equals in christianity2) as far as...
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Here's the latest in the unbelievably stupid rants from the Vatican. Ok, so they live in their own little world and are utterly clueless about how the people of the 21st century perceive them. But...
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Sad that these individuals have a tremendous opportunity to help other people but appear to be more invested in retaining power than in self-examination and making amends. I distrust most people who...
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Dave posted: Still, I want to ask why we should assume that the wounded will, for their remaining years, remain vulnerable, inconsolable, an/or codependent. Is there not the possibility of healing for...
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Dave wrote -- Cannot a person who previously grew up in a dysfunctional family with an abusive father, know right from wrong? Why couldn't the woman simply say, "No, I can't do this!" Sure these are...
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Jurate posted: The scandal in which the church is currently mired is horrific and the leadership of the church deserve all the blame they are getting for not responding in a moral way. But I do think...
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Five films about Catholic priests' abuse:
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Greg, I think very few people would continue to go to a particular parish if they knew or suspected that the minister was a pedophile. That's one of the reasons for the secrecy. Your brother in law...
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I think that human nature tends to validate things according to numbers. If I were to say that I thought Islam and Catholicism who collectively control over 3 billion people (in my opinion), were both...
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The much vaunted Vienna Boys Choir was not immune to urges of "celibate" padres and several former singers have put up their hand (so to speak). There was an article about the subject in the London...
View ArticleRe: Don't complain about Catholic Church's pedophilia
I think that human nature tends to validate things according to numbers. If I were to say that I thought Islam and Catholicism who collectively control over 3 billion people (in my opinion), were both...
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Oz Greg wrote: The heirachy of the Catholic church is still living in the past as far as abortion, homosexuality, contraception etc.... goes.Add "women" to the list.
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I'm just not in to big organizations period. They all end up corrupt and dangerous in one sense or another.Dan
View ArticleRe: Don't complain about Catholic Church's pedophilia
A girl decided it was time to break up with her boyfriend, so she told him it was all over. He replied that he couldn't understand why she wanted to split up. After all, everything had been going well...
View ArticleRe: Don't complain about Catholic Church's pedophilia
I'm just not in to big organizations period. They all end up corrupt and dangerous in one sense or another.I'm surprised to hear that, Dan. In many of your politically-minded posts, your opinions...
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